Copernicus EMS-RRM || EMSN037 Activation

GEOAPIKONISIS, Service Provider, in the context of the Risk & Recovery Mapping  module, was assigned to perform  pre‐disaster situation analysis concerning a number of specific hazards, namely: Earthquake, Flood, Tsunami, and Landslide at three cities Arica (Chile), Tacna (Peru) and Maputo (Mozambique).

The assessment includes risk assessment products; exposure, vulnerability and risk maps. Towards adequate disaster preparedness and efficient support of informed decision making concerning planning and recovery activities of the involved stakeholders,  potential and extent of occurrence of secondary risks (Soil or Coastal erosion) is evaluated and  risk - specific mitigation measures are proposed, along with the specification of critical first response information.

Key user of the geospatial data is the UNESCO Section on Earth Sciences and Geo-Hazards Risk Reduction. The results for Arica and Tacna are intended to support UNESCO's project "Enhancing Natural HAzard resilience iN South America (ENHANS) while those for Maputo the UNESCO's ‐ School Safety project.



Copernicus EMS-RRM || EMSN037 Activation