Products & Services
Analysis of Specifications and Design
- Establishment of functional requirements towards achieving project Objectives and optimize the exploitation of the results and / or ICT solutions
- Evaluation of existing infrastructure (Customers ; optimization proposals set up
- Finalization of Technical specifications of products / services (precision, update status, access issues, etc)
- Search / Availability of existing solutions and / or data
- Area of Interest/ Sector of Application
- Integration/ Interoperability Requirements
Management of the Implementation and Expertise
- Analytic determination of the realization work flow (interdependencies)
- Highly specialized human resources
- Continuous optimization of production efficiency (IT infrastructure / tools upgrade)
- Commitment to specific strategy and measures for continuous training of the personnel and upgrade of relevant skills and expertise
- Application of a Certified Quality Management System - periodically revised and constantly improving through systematic control of predefined performance indicators
Subject of Work
- Processing of existing, digital and / or analog, data (topographic, terrestrial measurements results, thematic geoinformation levels, etc.)
- Digital image processing (e.g. satellite images, aerial photos, terrestrial image acquisitions (images, videos, etc), etc)
- Homogenization, integration, synthesis and update of existing data and creation of information layers
- Design, development and maintenance of database management applications (update, edit, consistency checks, standardization / cartographic representation of data, etc.)
- Design, development and maintenance of integrated information/ geoinformation systems
- Design, development, update and distribution (web) of geo-information
- Specification, Supply and installation of infrastructure
- Knowledge Transfer (Training, Technical Support & Help Desk)